Received a LinkedIn temporary restriction?

September 13, 2023

Your account is temporarily restricted

We’ve restricted your account until Month DD, YYYY H:MM AM PDT because we detected the use of software that automates activity. To protect our members’ privacy and help foster authentic interactions on LinkedIn, our User Agreement prohibits the use of these tools.

Please review any tools you’re using to access LinkedIn and remove any automated software. If you’d like to provide us with more details about your account so we can further assist you, contact us.

Top tips to prevent this from happening again:

It seems what you’ve encountered is a LinkedIn ‘fuse limit’. The good news is that this will reset within 48 hours or less. Once the restriction is lifted you are free to reconnect and turn your campaigns back on. These occurrences, while a bit of a hiccup, are quite common and can be managed with a few tweaks.

Here are some of our top recommendations to enhance your LinkedIn experience and prevent getting any further warnings:

  1. Daily Connection Invites: Adjust your settings here. I’d recommend starting with 10 connections and activating the warming-up mode. This will gradually increase by 2 every day until you reach 30 connection requests, if you have activity going during the weekends maybe try 20.
  2. Your SSI Score: Check out your score here and focus on areas of improvement. Engaging in more prospect searches and ensuring a weekly post on the platform can be beneficial. Ideally, we’re targeting a score over 70, as accounts within this range seldom encounter fuse limits.
  3. Active Engagement on LinkedIn: LinkedIn appreciates users who actively engage. To bolster your engagement, you might find EngageAI useful. It’s a free Chrome plugin that aids in crafting AI-generated comments tailored to your style. I’ve found it incredibly helpful, and this video provides a detailed overview.
  4. Account Access: Accessing LinkedIn from various IP addresses can sometimes be flagged as suspicious. If you’re collaborating with a remote VA on LinkedIn, it’s prudent to have them use their email and link it as a secondary address in your LinkedIn settings. Additionally, replying to prospects via Leadeth is a safer bet, given our dedicated IP address. You can add unlimited users to your connected account under Profile > Workspace Settings > Manage Member Access
  5. LinkedIn Subscription: Upgrading to Sales Navigator or another premium LinkedIn subscription can occasionally shield your account. I tend to opt for it during promotional offers, such as ‘two months for the price of one’ or when there’s a free 30-day trial available.

I hope these suggestions provide clarity and enhance your LinkedIn journey. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Should you encounter any further issues with Leadeth or have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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